Development of Western Civilization

Spring 2019, DWC Colloquia, Role immersion, Barry, Chapman

A Providence College education prepares a student to be someone, more than to do something. It prepares students to hear more when they listen, reach deeper when they think, and say more when they speak. The Development of Western Civilization (DWC) program is at the heart of this preparation.

You’ll explore human history through many perspectives — from literature to philosophy to theology to art, and more — from professors who nurture interdisciplinary thinking and relish collaborative teaching. DWC will change the way you see the world by teaching you to find connections between seemingly unconnected ideas. Just as important, DWC will prepare you for a career and life because it teaches you to think. And that will prepare you to make history.

‘Civ’ Perspectives

Kathryn ‘Katcy’ Stephan ’16
Theatre & English Double Major
Live News Video Production Fellow at BuzzFeed

A liberal arts education is so valuable. Skills like writing and speaking articulately are vitally important no matter what you choose to do.

When you’re in your DWC seminar, you learn how to read deeply, how to analyze text, how to speak coherently with your classmates. You build confidence in your thoughts and ideas in a small classroom setting.

Faculty Perspective

Dr. Sylvia Maxfield
Dean, Providence College School of Business

I co-taught a DWC colloquium on business ethics with my colleague Tim Mahoney, who teaches philosophy. Early one morning, we engaged the class in an impromptu discussion about a recent incident in the community. There we were — Tim, an associate professor of philosophy, and me, the dean of the School of Business, taking the lessons we had taught in class all semester and applying them to a real-world issue that hit very close to home.

There were many different perspectives and no easy answers. But what struck me most were the respectful dialogue, insightful questions, and spirited debate that our students brought to the conversation. All at once it hit me: These students. This conversation. This class. This is what makes Providence College so special.

Dr. Jennifer Illuzzi
Associate Professor of History

Associate professor of History, Dr. Jennifer Illuzzi, discusses her vision for the DWC program and what students can expect for the upcoming semesters.

Upcoming Events

Charlie Bethel’s: Gilgamesh 
October 11 2023, 4:30 PM, ‘64 Hall (55 minutes, no intermission)

Performed by: John Heimbuch

Charlie Bethel’s one-person version of Gilgamesh brings forth the friendship, adventure, and thoughtfulness of this ancient Sumerian epic, through his friendship with a hairy wildman, the battle with the Bull of Heaven, the Tale of the Great Flood, and the quest for immortality!

Co-sponsored by DWC, English, History and Classics, TDF, PC Galleries and the Center @Moore Hall. Email Jen Illuzzi to RSVP for the workshop,

Intercollegiate Tour of Uprooting Medea 
February 10th, 4:30 p.m.

Khameleon Productions, co-sponsored by the Brown Arts Institute, presents the Uprooting Medea tour.  The company, founded in 2020, will share their all-global majority project at Providence College on February 10, 2022. There will be a discussion of the film at 4:30 p.m. at the Ryan Concert Hall in the Smith Center, followed by a reception, and a 6 p.m. hands on workshop with the producer and Brown Arts Institute Visiting Artist Shivaike Shah. 

Co-sponsored by DWC, English, History and Classics, TDF, PC Galleries and the Center @Moore Hall. Email Jen Illuzzi to RSVP for the workshop,

Image: Selina Jones Captured by Adam Pietraszewski

“Because Survival is Insufficient:” Art in Times of Crisis A Conversation with Emily St. John Mandel